The Power of Prayer in It’s Working: Things Most People Do Not Know About Prayer

The Power of Prayer in It’s Working: Things Most People Do Not Know About Prayer

Walton Weaver

The Author

Walton Weaver has been preaching full-time for non-denominational churches of Christ since 1963. He has published major commentaries on Philippians and Colossians and First and Second Thessalonians, and a book titled That They All May Be One: Studies on Unity, Freedom, and Authority in the Body of Christ. He has also written adult class studies titled Faith Made Perfect: Studies in James, and Partakers of His Sufferings: Studies in First Peter. He published a religious periodical meant primarily for non-Christians titled The Apostolic Messenger for eight and one half years. He and his wife Margaret have been married for fifty-seven years. They have two daughters and two sons (twins}, six grandchildren and two greatchildren. They now live inn Beaumont, Texas.

About the Book

The author begins by defining prayer as the desires of the heart expressed to God in words. He then moves on to discuss the complex subject of how God can possibly answer prayers in a world that has all the appearances of being controlled by what is generally called "natural laws." He then concludes that prayer not only is reasonable, but it is also workable for any person willing to put the things about prayer taught in Scripture to work. This is an informative book, packed with Scripture, guiding the reader through a valuable study of the qualities (humility, love, expectancy and watchfulness), conditions, and content of prayer. But it also gives valuable insights into prayer and confession, prayer and salvation, and prayer and the intercession of Christ.

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