Exploring Prayer’s Qualities: Humility and Love

We’re inspired by “The Power of Prayer in Its Working” by Walton Weaver, a wise preacher. His book teaches us a lot about prayer. Weaver emphasizes how humility and love are crucial for our prayers to be meaningful. Determining these qualities can transform our connection with God.
Love, as the Scriptures teach us, is an essential component of prayer. Like humility, love is universally admired, while pride and hate are despised both by God and humanity. However, defining love isn’t easy—it’s better understood through its actions.
When Paul expounded on love in 1 Corinthians 13, he described its manifestations rather than offering a strict definition. Similarly, when the Bible discusses love in connection with prayer, it emphasizes what love does.
Consider the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, where He teaches us to pray for forgiveness of our sins, but with a condition: we must also forgive those who wrong us (Matthew 6:12). This underscores the importance of love in prayer—our ability to forgive mirrors God’s love for us. If we withhold forgiveness from others, we cannot expect to receive it from God (Matthew 6:14-15). Mercy is granted to those who show mercy (James 2:13). Jesus further emphasized the importance of forgiveness in prayer, stating, “And whensoever ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against anyone; that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses” (Matthew 11:25).
As we continue our journey into the essence of prayer, let us keep these lessons in mind. Prayer isn’t merely a religious obligation; it’s a heartfelt expression of our faith and love for God. By incorporating humility and love into our prayers, we open ourselves to experience their transformative power in our lives. These qualities deepen our relationship with God, enriching our spiritual journey and fostering a deeper connection with God.

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